· The mandate of the Canadian Cooperative Association has both a domestic and international theme.
· Canadians have 18 million memberships in co-ops, and co-ops today promote and develop more jobs than any other organization.
· There are over 9000 co-ops in Canada representing 330 billion in assets
· The purpose of CCA's international work is to promote the reduction of poverty.
· Poverty can only be dealt with by dealing with conflict.
· Cooperative development is considered a way to help conflict in developing nations, as cooperatives are not seen as bringing competition into an area
· Sustainability livelihood can be expressed in 5 points of view. Human assets, financial assets, natural assets, physical assets and social assets. The cooperative structure attempts to provide support in the development of each of these required assets. If anyone of these becomes vulnerable, poverty can become a reality.
· Areas that CCA is doing work: Africa- Malawi, Ghana, Uganda, Asia- Vietnam, Cambodia, Americas- Columbia and Peru.
· 2012 has been declared the year of the cooperative by the UN, and Mongolia brought the motion forward to the UN.
Here's the CCA's blog for more info:

B meets some credit union members. One - a pharmacist who went from a one room shop and no employees, to owning the entire building, expanding into groceries, and renting out the extra spaces. She now employs 15 people. She has very low employee turnover and guarantees the employees loans when they want to borrow to achieve personal goals.

Another member who produces mayonnaise and ketchup in a very small industrial kitchen and sells about $14,000 to $16,000 US worth a month to food markets. That’s a lot condiments!

B does not know when he will have internet access next so the next week or so may be a bit lean on posts.
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